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"Banking" Periodic CPC Hours : Invalid Uploads

Thursday 28th March 2024

Despite Periodic Driver CPC being some 15 years in to Driver Qualification Cards, we still a lot of invalid uploads from drivers who have attended Periodic CPC courses, but the hours are rejected against their card. This is usually because the driver already has 35 hours in the bank, and that is the most you can actually have in lieu of the next card.
If you already have got a DQC card, you can start to "bank" hours against it from the day after the start date on the current card, ready for the card that will follow on once the expiry date has been reached. The maximum number of hours you can hold in the "bank" is 35 hours. Any more than this and any upload for the hours will not count. The training provider will see "Invalid" against the upload but it will be charged for.
In order to prevent doing unnecessary courses, every driver should really set up an account on the gov website so they can what courses they have done and how many hours they have banked.
Any course that is in the "bank" cannot be more than 5 years old. If it is, it will not count, and further courses must be taken to replace the missing hours.